Helpful Essay Writing Tips for Highest Grades

Helpful Essay Writing Tips for Highest Grades

It is not always enough to be a good writer to get the job done right. Such case as essay writing requires not just great writing skills, but also some clear vision and knowledge of the writing style. Inspiration is also not enough if you just do not know how you should write your paper. This article would be useful for any college student

So the knowledge of the initial format is the key to a high grade and success. This article will teach you what the most important points for essay writing are and how you should be writing it if you want to gain success.

Common Five Paragraph Essay

There are various types of essays known these days. The most complicated ones are used for more advanced academic levels, while the most common and standard format is about five paragraph structure: The entire idea of following the structure is about making it easier for the reader to navigate and for the writer to deliver his thoughts and statements correctly. Most readers deal with the same structures, and it gets easier for them to identify the proper information in the text. So, let’s learn more about the structure points and their architecture below.

The Introduction

First of all, let’s learn what the Introduction is all about. Actually, it is as simple as it seems. In this paragraph you need to present your topic and statement. This is the place where your thesis and argument should be described. But it is not enough just to make a statement, and a simple description as the Introduction requires more attention and work to be done. This paragraph should be interesting and clear to make your reader interested and proceed reading the entire essay from the beginning and right to the end.

It is not an easy task to make your Introduction effective. Many writers fail to engage the reader, and even a good written essay can be left without proper attention. So you should know few tips and tricks to get your reader hooked on your writing and make him or her move on. The first step in this game is the thesis, which should be as clear as possible, but still catchy and interesting. The best essay thesis would be settled in just one sentence giving a clear explanation of what the whole writing piece is about.

Just after the thesis, you should proceed with the outline. It is not necessary to make it wide and large; just the most important points would be enough. You can use few main examples of those topics you are going to discuss. It will tell your reader the direction you are following through your essay and just what it is all about.

And the last sentence of this part of your essay is very important as it leads your reader to the main part, the Body. So, consider it being balanced with the first sentence of the first paragraph of the Body. As you see, there should be just about three or four sentences in your Introduction.

Make it interesting

You should be very attentive to the details and right mood while writing the Introduction for your essay as it is the first impression for the reader and the main thing that will attract him. So here you should not only present your essay topic but also attract your reader and make him go further.

No passive voice

Try to use active voice for your essay Introduction. Such sentences sound more powerful and will grab your reader’s attention faster. Just forget about passive voice while writing the essay and avoid using such personal pronouns like I, My, or Me.

The Body Paragraphs

So here is the main writing part of your essay. It will get three paragraphs of five general ones for the whole essay. And here you will be writing about your topic trying to open it and show your thesis support.

And the first paragraph of the Body should be the strongest one. Remember, your reader just has read the introduction part. He is hooked and wants to know more. So you better try to impress him right from the start giving the strongest argument in this first paragraph of the essay Body.

But you should be clear that just one sentence is not enough for the paragraph. And it is not enough just to cite a famous person. You should be the mentor for your reader and explain to him what he is reading at the moment and why is it important. Start with your own example and then explain why it is relevant to the case.

Even if your example is simple and very common, it still needs an explanation within the context. Say to your reader why is the topic important to you and why to choose that exact citation. Be honest and try to make every example effective and in its place. While writing the essay, you can get some interesting points from the history to show the importance of your topic and so on. Do not be afraid to be too general, but try to be accurate.

And after providing some relevant examples do not forget to tell why it is important for the thesis. That is the main thing about writing examples. They should support the thesis. If you do not know how you should explain the importance, just simply state it. It will not look too nice, but at least it will work right.


All the sentences in your essay should be tied together for effective and accurate cooperation. Without that, the whole writing piece will look lost and uncertain. Besides that, do not be afraid of going too personal. Your personal experience and life examples will make the whole essay more interesting and will connect all the pieces together.

Narrow down

It is not necessary to be too general in your writing. Any effective essay is personal and narrow with its facts. All the examples should be relevant to the thesis of your essay. Do not try to catch everything related to the topic, but get the most interesting and relevant points that will definitely interest your reader.

Few Words about Transitions

Some phrases in your writing task are more important than others; they are called transitions. Such phrases are very useful both for writer and reader. They are settled at the end of one section and the beginning of the next one. This way gives you as a writer and your reader the marker of intonation or topic change. This is the signal for the set of ideas to end or begin. Transitions are very useful in cases when you need to get a slight move from one section to another.

The Conclusion

The last lap of your writing marathon is the Conclusion. This part of the essay comes to the very end and is the fifth paragraph of the entire writing piece. Despite some misunderstandings, the Conclusion is not just a simple afterword. You should consider and write it as your last chance to influence on your reader’s opinion and get your job done. That is why Occlusions should be written in some rigid format to have a positive effect.

The first thing you should know about the Conclusion is its purpose. Here you should not just summarize the entire writing, but restate your thesis. The Conclusion should be the second introduction and get the same set of facts and influential tools as the Introduction right at the beginning of the essay. It also should be brief and sharp as the Introduction. Consider four-five strong and clear sentences for the Conclusion of the essay. You should remember that Conclusion is even more important than the Body paragraphs as it is the last layer on the reader’s impression from your writing and it can be broken by a week writing very easily.

Consider using a concluding transition in your last paragraph. Just use a simple phrase that will set people on the last lap and appropriate mood. It would be the same hook effect you got for the Introduction paragraphs. Then you should restate your thesis for the last time.

Extra Tips

  • Planning matters
Some people, especially students during their exams season, consider planning just a waste of time. But you will see that planning of your writing or any other activity may save your time instead of wasting it. Just get few minutes brainstorming your main ideas and points before writing something and will save your time during the actual essay writing. You will find proper examples and supporting facts easier and faster just getting your plan before writing. Also, you can make a list and then get an idea of how to settle them in the text.

Speaking about supporting ideas, we must say that the strongest one is just on the surface. Get the most relevant example for your thesis and include it as the strongest one. Also, use those ideas and examples that are most familiar to you. And remember. Even the most interesting and well-written essays can fail because of the weak arguments.
  • Variety is the key
Your writing language should be rich and diverse. It is boring to read the same words going over the circle. Try synonyms and other tricks to make your writing more diverse and exciting. The simple idea is about avoiding using the same words and phrases over and over again through the entire essay. If you have any problems with that, try to use a vocabulary or any online services.

You can write about the same point, in other words, just try it and think of some other expressions of your thoughts.
  • Practice all the time
Of course, nothing comes easy. These tips are general and will tell you how to write a good essay, but they would not make it personal. Skills are very important in any case, and essay writing is not an exception.

Everything comes with practice, but if you do not have them still and your deadline is short, there are people that can help you. Just fill in this order form, and true essay professionals will start writing your task immediately.